Course Description:  5 days, 40 hour course

The PPCT Management Systems, Inc. / Human Factor Science (PPCT/HFS) Threat Pattern Recognition (TPR) Use of Force Instructor Defensive Tactics System is the first subject control system developed through tactical, legal and medical research. Tactically, the system addresses the most common types of resistance officers encounter, allowing the instructor to maximize training on job related techniques. Legally, the system teaches a simple use of force continuum that clarifies the appropriate force level for every level of resistance. Medical research was conducted on every technique to refine technique efficiency and to ensure the medical implications were proportional to the level of resistance.

Course Goals:
1. To examine survival learning research in an effort to enhance survivability in combat
2. To instruct a subject control system that is compatible with the effects of survival stress.
3. To teach a subject control system based upon the four most common types of     
4. To refine student technique to the instructor level.
5. To teach instructional methods designed to enhance a student’s ability to learn survival
    techniques, increase his/her confidence level, and assist in the successful application
    of physical techniques.

Course Topics:

Threat Pattern Recognition (TPR) Methodology
Increasingly, officers are required to act Professional, Precisely and with Proportionality. This is functionally impossible when the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) is activated. TPR training provides a training methodology that allows the officer to respond prior to SNS activation, while improving survivability, precision and appropriate use of force responses. The goal of this course is to enhance the speed of an officer recognition and response time by teaching the micro-movement threat indicators.  The course focuses on biology-based response subsequent to time, distance and cover in life and death encounters with armed assailants.

Use of Force Human Factors
This chapter examines survival stress research and provides students with information that
will enhance their survivability in combative situations and recommendations
regarding issues related to critical incident management.

Instructor Development and Training Protocols
This chapter reviews instructional methods designed to enhance a student’s ability to
learn survival techniques, increase confidence level, and assist in the successful
application of physical techniques. Topics covered include the psychology of survival
training, motivational factors for learning survival skills, the neural basis of learning, and
the stimulus response training principle. This chapter also introduces training protocols, including certification procedures, course protocols and registration requirements, and classroom safety concerns.

Control Principles
This chapter introduces the basic training principles that form the foundation on which all
PPCT/HFS training systems are based. Topics discussed include components of acceptability, the Resistance/Control Continuum, common types of resistance, principles of controlling resistive behavior, survival reaction time, the reactionary gap, and tactical positioning.

Tactical Handcuffing System
This chapter presents the Tactical Handcuffing System, a highly effective process that emphasizes a “commonality of technique” for application from the various handcuffing positions standing, kneeling and prone. Also discussed are the types of subjects students will encounter, the proper handcuffing grip, tactical considerations, handcuffing liability,
handcuffing myths, and handcuff selection and maintenance.  

Escort Position and Joint Lock Control
This chapter provides students with the skills and knowledge required to control escort
position resistance and teaches techniques for follow-up control. It examines the escort
position, the most common forms of escort position resistance, joint locks, and follow-up
control techniques.

Escort position                                        Transport wrist lock
Transport wrist lock take down                 Straight arm bar take down
Inside take down                                                                        

Pressure Point Control Tactics
This chapter teaches students how to effectively and justifiably utilize pressure point
control tactics for subject control. Topics include methods of application, nerve pressure
point of the neck and head.    

Defensive Counter Strikes
The defensive counterstrike chapter provides students with the skills and knowledge
required to not only determine when it is appropriate to strike a subject, but to deliver the
strike effectively as well. Topics include the tactical methodology of counter strikes,
the Fluid Shock Wave Principle of striking, defensive stances and blocks, and counter
strikes with the hands and legs.

Straight Punch                         Knee strike
Palm Heel strike                       Angle Kick
Brachial stuns                          Combinations of strikes into a take down
Radial strike                            All strikes are directed a nerve motor points.
Median strike                           Supra scapular strike
Brachial plexus tie-in                Superficial strike

Shoulder Pin Restraint System
This chapter presents the Shoulder Pin Restraint System as an alternative to the
traditional bilateral neck restraint, pursuant to goal of simplifying all aspects of training by utilizing gross motor skills. A highly versatile technique, the Shoulder Pin Restraint can be used as a low-level restraint to pin a subject to the ground, or it can be used to render a subject unconscious in incidents of high-level resistance. The chapter discusses the different types of neck restraints, the physiological factors of vascular restraints, technical aspects of the Shoulder Pin technique, and force considerations.

Impact Weapon System
This chapter presents the Impact Weapon System, a highly effective process that
targets the nerve motor points. It examines the advantages and disadvantages
of collapsible batons, legal considerations of the nerve motor point system, the Fluid
Shock wave Principle of striking, and blocking.

Weapon Retention and Disarming System
This chapter teaches the Weapon Retention and Disarming System, a simple  
system based on gross motor skills. It examines the issues a student needs to consider
in preparing mentally and physically to disarm an assailant and the basic steps in the
weapon retention and disarming procedures.

Holster retention
Weapon retention when weapon is out of the holster
Weapon take aways

Please click on the link for the current training schedule